BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TechMeetups - ECPv5.11.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:TechMeetups X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for TechMeetups BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20230326T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20231029T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230504T180000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20230504T210000 DTSTAMP:20231104T093647 CREATED:20221202T123653Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230626T092914Z SUMMARY:Berlin Tech Job Fair 2023 DESCRIPTION:Attention! Access our 2023 Autumn events and register for free. \nFollow this link to get access to our events page.\nUpdate your resume and get ready for interviews at companies hiring now in technology\, marketing\, or sales in Berlin.\n \nWelcome Employers and Job Seekers!\nTechMeetups is a Global cluster of 25 interconnected communities with 70\,000+ startups\, students and graduates\, professionals\, coders\, salespeople\, financiers\, marketers & developers across the world. We have communities all over the world: London\, Berlin\, Amsterdam\, Barcelona\, Paris\, Lisbon\, Stockholm\, Madrid\, Copenhagen\, Hamburg\, Munich\, Dublin\, Bern\, Zurich\, Stuttgart\, Frankfurt\, and New York \nAudience: IT\, Sales & Marketing professionals \nAgenda: 18:00 – 22:00 Exhibition & Networking \n \nWhen exceptional individuals and organizations come together\, incredible possibilities can be achieved. Whether you are in retail\, software\, pharmaceuticals\, finance\, media\, healthcare\, automotive\, engineering or fashion\, startups\, recruiting firms\, or high-growth companies\, you are all warmly invited to join us at our Tech Job Fair. \nCome to meet employers\, ask questions\, and make connections in Berlin!\n \nAttention all job seekers looking for a career in the tech industry! Join us for our upcoming tech job fair for a chance to meet with potential employers\, learn about the latest trends in the tech industry\, and gain valuable job search skills and strategies. \nWe’re welcoming attendees looking for new opportunities in the Technology\, Sales & Marketing fields: including software engineers\, programmers\, web & mobile app developers\, data analysts\, network engineers\, systems & database administrators\, data scientists\, cyber security professionals\, UX/UI Designers\, QA/QC Engineers\, cloud architects\, DevOps Engineers\, technical support specialists\, hardware specialists\, business analysts\, IT project managers\, sellers\, marketers\, and media people. \nDon’t miss out on this great opportunity to kick-start your tech career! \n \nJob seekers will have the opportunity to meet top employers and speed interviews for several positions during the event\, meeting the people who actually make the hiring decisions. \n \nBecome an exhibitor\nBy exhibiting\, you can take advantage of numerous networking opportunities\, introduce a new product or service to the market\, collect valuable feedback from customers and prospects\, source new products and services\, hire new employees\, and generate new leads. \nTake the initiative and become an exhibitor today! If you have any questions or suggestions\, please contact \nExhibitor packages \nAlbum Photos \nOUR CLIENTS \n \n \n \n  \n \nWorkindenmark Find your next ITC career opportunity in Denmark. Workindenmark is a public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark\, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. We provide information\, guidance\, and access to digital self-service tools to bring together employers and candidates. \n \nbirdie equips homecare providers with essential digital tools for managing\, delivering\, and championing outstanding care. birdie provides all-in-one mobile and desktop software used by care businesses of all sizes to manage care delivery\, rostering finance\, and auditing. Alongside their technology\, the birdie team provides a host of free\, practical resources and support for the care industry including courses\, workshops\, and community meet-ups. \nbirdie works by the side of partners to uplift them today\, and help them fly in the future. \n  \n \nAt JustWatch\, we are building an audience and performance-driven video marketing hub tailor-made for the needs of the movie industry — including centralized segmentation\, setup automation\, intelligent steering\, actionable reporting of insights\, and automated fulfillment. \nWe are entertainment obsessives and we own the world’s largest entertainment guide\, which gives us unparalleled data and insights into audience behaviors and content tastes. With this data\, we buy media for the biggest movies\, shows\, games & sports. We have managed campaigns for thousands of titles across hundreds of markets. \n  \n \nRockstar is the personal platform for tech experts and tech companies with the goal to match the best with the best. We are a team of psychologists\, candidate managers and tech enthusiasts with years of experience in tech recruiting. We speak your language\, be it Python\, R\, Java\, Scala\, Swift\, … \n  \n \nStaffgroup is a staffing agency that specializes primarily in the placement of tech experts. We have 3 locations in Germany (Berlin\, Hamburg\, Stuttgart) and cover the entire German market. \n  \n \nWe help patients find the best possible treatment and get their costs covered.\nOur core team includes an experienced dentist and is backed by leading scientific institutes in Berlin.\nZahnfee operates in an extremely large market with little innovation and enables millions of people access state-of-the-art dentistry. \n  \n \nGO2 Markets is being built by a diverse group of people who share a common vision of putting our best foot forward in order to make this world a cleaner and more sustainable place. Our core team has converged from many different backgrounds to bring our vision to life. We celebrate diversity\, equity\, and inclusion \n  \nPARTNERS\n \nGermanTechJobs is the first German IT job board built with Software Engineers in mind.\nThe main goal of the company is to bring more transparency\, openness\, and diversity to the German IT market. GermanTechJobs is not only for Developers but for everyone working in the IT industry: Engineers\, SAP and System Admins\, Product Managers\, QAs\, and UX/UI Designers! \n  URL: LOCATION:Ahoy Berlin\, Wattstraße 11\, 2. Hinterhof\, Berlin\, 13355 \, Germany ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR