BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TechMeetups - ECPv5.11.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:TechMeetups X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for TechMeetups BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20190331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20191027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190926T180000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190926T210000 DTSTAMP:20231104T094839 CREATED:20181210T131200Z LAST-MODIFIED:20191115T110936Z SUMMARY:London Tech Job Fair Autumn 2019 DESCRIPTION: Ticket Sales Have Ended\nNot to worry\, if you have missed out on this one\, our next one is here! LONDON TECH JOB FAIR SPRING 2020 by\nJoin us here: Tickets for 2020\n\n\n\n \nPowered by Eventbrite\n\n\nWelcome Employers and Job Seekers!  Whether you are looking for a job or recruiting\, Tech Job Fair is the place to be!\n \n  \nA meeting place for hiring companies\, agencies & startups to connect\, meet & discuss job opportunities with high-potential talent. \n \n\n  \nA great opportunity to meet representatives of companies looking to hire talented employees like you! \n\n \n  \nThis event will target local job seekers from tech and business filed: developers\, designers\, marketers\, sellers\, financiers\, managers\, BI\, analysts\, product managers\, data scientists. \ 8years. 21 cities. 68 job fairs. 1099+ hiring companies. 60 000+ job seekers\n \nLondon Tech Job Fair 2019 is a chance for job seekers to talk to companies that are hiring in person. If you’ve had enough of submitting your CV online without the opportunity to make a lasting first impression\, here’s your chance to change your strategy and do a bit of networking. \nGet your job seen and in a top tech community job site (techstartupjobs): \n\n \nBecome an exhibitor\nEnjoy networking opportunities\, launch a new product\, collect feedback\, source\, hire and generate new leads. \nExhibitor packages & benefits \nPictures from previous events \nIf you have any questions and suggestions\, please contact \n \n  \nClient Testimonials: \n \n \n                                                                    HIRING COMPANIES:  \n\n  \n \n\nOpenAsset is the leading digital asset management system. We help the world’s best AEC companies build libraries of marketing and design resources.\n\n  \n \nPRODYNA is an innovative\, privately-held supplier of enterprise Java software solutions and designs and implements custom enterprise software solutions in accordance with our customers’ needs and requirements. \n  \n \nTechsmiths’ mission is to provide people from all walks of life with the opportunity to become Software Developers. Our programme will help you expand your horizons\, learn new skills and enter a new industry. \n  \n \nAt TrueLayer we are driven by the idea that the best products arise from curiosity\, precision\, collaborative team-work\, and a bit of unconventional thinking. \n  \n  \n \nDWP Digital– We’re the UK’s biggest government department\, building digital services that make a real difference to the lives of 20 million people. \n  \n  \n \nPaymentsense is one of Europe’s fastest-growing FinTech companies. We offer big business payment services to over 70\,000 small businesses in the UK and Ireland – but without the big bank price tag. And with an unswerving dedication to service that leaves our customers free to make their passion pay. \n  \n  \n  \n \nSimply Business is an online business insurance brokerage that specialises in one thing: protecting the businesses our customers are working hard to build. \n  \n  \n \nAltius have a simple ambition- to be the leading data focused technology consultancy in Europe. Our offering is a blend of Business strategy\, Data Analytics and Data Science with a focus on delivering cloud based Data Platforms. Our aim is to empower our clients to make accurate data-driven decisions that endure value and success. \n  \n \nWorkindenmark provides international job seekers and Danish employers with the information\, guidance and tools to find each other. \n  \n  \n \nBlockDox is an urban digital solutions company headquartered in London\, but working globally. Our talented and experienced team of engineers & data scientists are passionate about solving the biggest problems facing the built environment and smart cities today. \n  \n  \n \nTenzo was designed to reduce reliance on gut: we can put data behind questions like how much food to order in\, what member of staff to schedule at what time and whether to rerun a promotion. \n  \n  \n \nBased in London\, at causaLens we build the next generation of predictive technology for complex and dynamic systems to forecast the global economy in real-time. \n  \n  \n \nAt Talentskowt we exist to nurture sales and marketing careers in Tech. We do this by creating a community whereby both talent and organisations flourish. \n  \n  \n \nBlokur is building the most accurate source of global music publishing data in the world using blockchain technology and machine learning. \n  \n  \n \nMovable Ink helps digital marketers create unique visual experiences across email\, web\, and display…because visual is the language that moves people. \n  \n \nGlobant – We empower organizations through digital & cognitive transformation. We are a digitally native company where innovation\, design and engineering meet scale. \n  \n \nbrightgen – We provide Salesforce expertise and strategic thinking that enables organisations to transform and power ahead. With a team that includes some of the brightest digital talents anywhere in the world\, we are the number one choice for businesses that need results fast. \n  \n \nNeo is a pioneer group in the European Fintech ecosystem. Neo has been created because we believe that currency risk management should be simple\, efficient and above all\, available for both expanding and multinational start-ups. \n  \n  \n \nNODAL offers an end-to-end recruitment solution that builds a new trust economy between businesses and freelancers. Nodal is a decentralised freelancer hiring platform\, where individuals can advertise their skills and employers\, who are looking for verified talent\, can find them all in one place. \n  \n  \n \nMetro Bank launched in July 2010 as the first new high street bank in more than 100 years. The revolutionary UK bank offers personal\, commercial\, business and private banking services\, with a focus on providing unparalleled levels of customer service and convenience. \n  \n \nDoyle Clayton is a specialist workplace & employment law firm with offices in the City of London\, Mayfair\, Canary Wharf & Reading\, & clients nationwide. \n  \n \nVenesky-Brown is a specialist provider of staffing and labor solutions\, working alongside companies across a broad spectrum of sectors.  As a trusted partner to companies and a trusted source of work opportunities. \n \nReed Business Information is a leading fast-growth provider of data and analytics\, solving critical problems for businesses globally. URL: LOCATION:Central Foundation Boys’ School\, Cowper Street EC2A 4SH \, London \, EC2A 4SH \, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Conference,Festival or Fair,Job Fair,Jobs,Meeting or Networking,Other ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR