BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TechMeetups - ECPv5.11.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:TechMeetups X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for TechMeetups BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20190331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20191027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190314T190000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190314T213000 DTSTAMP:20231104T095452 CREATED:20180914T153636Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190315T134055Z SUMMARY:Munich Tech Job Fair Spring 2019 DESCRIPTION:IF YOU MISSED OUT ON THE SPRING EDITION HERE IS THE LINK TO THE AUTUMN 2019 EDITION- FREE tickets:\n\n\n  \nWelcome Employers and Job Seekers!\nWhether you are looking for a job or recruiting\, Tech Job Fair is the place to be! This event will target local students and job seekers from tech and business filed: developers\, designers\, marketers\, sellers\, financiers\, managers\, BI\, analysts\, product managers\, data scientists. \nMunich Tech Job Fair Spring 2019 is a chance for job seekers to talk to companies that are hiring in person. If you’ve had enough of submitting your CV online without the opportunity to make a lasting first impression\, here’s your chance to change your strategy and do a bit of networking. \n \nJob postings for the event here: \nIf you have any questions and suggestions\, please contact \n\nBecome an exhibitor\nEnjoy networking opportunities\, launch a new product\, collect feedback\, source\, hire and generate new leads. \nPictures from previous events \n \nTestimonials \n \n\n\n\n \nCompanies exhibiting:\n \nWirecard is a driver of innovation in the digitalisation of payments. As a software and IT specialist\, Wirecard is also constantly expanding its portfolio with innovative payment technologies. \n  \n \ provides you with hand-picked jobs for you to master your skills – it’s fast\, efficient\, and of course free. selects jobs exclusively for IT developers. \n  \n \ – Find your next tech job in one week. Salaries from €35k to €100k.\nPermanent\, Freelance\, and Internship positions. \n  \n  \n  \n \n3DEXCITE’s new\, brand key-visual is meant to evoke the multifaceted commitment we have to delivering transformational marketing experiences. 3DEXCITE artfully leverages the product\, technology & the end-consumer in sophisticated online\, mobile & retail campaigns everywhere\, at all times. \n \nWe match the best Talent to the best Technology jobs in the EU and USA from our offices in Munich\, London and Virginia in the USA. Our talented international team are all technical experts and can advise you every step of the way in your career journey. If you are looking for the best jobs in the EU\, Lennon Wright  can help you. \n  \n \nMotius – is a unique R&D Company that is specialized in new technologies (e.g Artificial intelligence\, AR/VR\, IoT\, Blockchain). With a mixture of a community of over 800 talented techies with competences in computer science\, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering and an experienced management team \n\n\n\n\n\nRobert Half connects employers and job seekers to staff positions in finance\, law\, technology and more.\n  \n  \n \nCelonis process mining is the new standard in Big Data Analytics designed to help companies around the world save valuable time and money through improved process transparency and efficiency. We hope you will join us on this journey. \n  \n  \n \nK2 – We liberate people from slow\, broken processes\, integrate seemlessly in existing legacy systems\, transforming the old into more productive and agile solutions. \n  \n \nPersonio – HR managers\, recruiters and executives use Personio to make their organization better and more efficient\, bit by bit. \n  \n \nWagawin enables Advertisers to easily create high performing\, premium mobile Advertisement that is driving user engagement while at the same time giving the marketers data insights to optimize their strategy and budget allocation. \n  \n \nCapmo is an intuitive software that aims to help the construction industry work more efficiently and sustainably\, creating transparency\, trust and fun at work. \n \nTalentese is the only job platform that shows you the company culture so you would be able to find a place where you truly FIT! \n  \n \nAt Luminovo\, we build bespoke AI solutions\, tailored to your business! \n  \n \nDataGuard – With our Data Protection Officer-as-a-Service (“DSBaaS”) approach\, we serve more than 1\,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). \n  \n  \n \nIMOGate is experts specialized in the field of Non Performing Loans and Real Estate assets. \n  \n \nRegiondo is an award-winning software company based in Munich\, Germany. More than 7500 tour and activity providers from 42 countries power their revenue using our booking solutions.\n  \n  \n  \nVENUE AND EXHIBITOR:  \n \nsmartvillage  – Winner Best Coworking Space in Munich \n  URL: LOCATION:smartvillage Bogenhausen – Italien Room\, Rosenkavalierplatz 13\, München\, 81925\, Germany CATEGORIES:Conference,Festival or Fair,Job Fair,Meeting or Networking ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR