BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TechMeetups - ECPv5.11.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:TechMeetups X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for TechMeetups BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20180325T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20181028T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180920T180000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180920T210000 DTSTAMP:20231104T100213 CREATED:20171208T160901Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180921T073519Z SUMMARY:London Tech Job Fair Autumn 2018 DESCRIPTION:IF YOU MISSED OUT ON THE LONDON TECH JOB FAIR AUTUMN 2018 – NO WORRIES! \nJOIN US FOR THE LONDON TECH JOB FAIR SPRING 2019 \nTECHMEETUPS \nEVENTBRITE \nWelcome Employers and Job Seekers\nTech Job Fair is coming to London! Whether you are looking for a job or recruiting\, Tech Job Fair is the place to be! \nThis event will target local students and job seekers from tech and business filed: developers\, designers\, marketers\, sellers\, financiers\, managers\, BI\, analysts\, product managers\, data scientists. \nLondon Tech Job Fair 2018 is a chance for job seekers to talk to companies that are hiring in person. If you’ve had enough of submitting your CV online without the opportunity to make a lasting first impression\, here’s your chance to change your strategy and do a bit of networking. Enjoy networking opportunities\, making it the perfect platform to launch a new product\, collect feedback\, source\, hire or get hired and generate new leads. \nJob postings for the event here: \nIf you have any questions and suggestions\, please contact\n \n \nExhibitors \n                                                                              \n \nIC Creative is one of the few stand-alone creative digital recruitment teams that specialises exclusively in creative digital jobs and creative talent. \n \nIC Resources is the recognised technology recruitment partner to the global tech community. Our team of 50 consultants offers more than 500 years of specialist\, industry recruitment experience \n \n\nWhen it comes to creating exceptional software for the online gaming industry\, Derivco is at the forefront of industry innovation.\n\n\n\n \nDevoteam delivers Innovative Technology Consulting for Business. We are #digitaltransformakers. \n  \n\n \nsnap40 is automated remote patient monitoring. Our product will flip the healthcare model and we’re bringing it to every human being. We offer you the ability to take on some seriously hard challenges in Data\, Software and Hardware\, that have never before been tackled or solved. Do you want to be part of it? Come and talk to us meet some of the team and see our product. \n\nVodafone UK is a provider of telecommunications services in the United Kingdom\, and a part of the Vodafone Group\, the world’s second-largest mobile phone company. Working at Vodafone is all about helping people feel ready to benefit from new technology. \nThe future is exciting. Ready? \n\n\n\n \nKoru Kids has been set up to be all about three things: really great childcare\, as affordable as possible\, and as convenient as possible. \n \nDextCloud is unified integration and management platform for apps and services deployed in the cloud. \n \nFOUNDERS FACTORY IS THE WORLD’S BEST PARTNER FOR FOUNDERS. We’re a new model in business creation. Together with our corporate partners\, we build & scale early-stage technology companies across multiple sectors. \n \nTeradata is at the heart of the analytic ecosystem\, helping the world’s most influential companies achieve high-impact business outcomes.\n \nWonga Group Limited is made up of a number of international financial services businesses. We are best known for our Wonga short-term loan product. \n \nThe Bakery on a mission to make the world a more entrepreneurial place\, and over the last four years our brilliant team has designed and built a unique model and process\, which brings together the world’s biggest corporates with the best entrepreneurs and startups – to truly make innovation happen. \n \nFlatiron School  is a coding bootcamp in London focused on transforming people’s lives and careers in just 15 weeks by training them to become full stack software engineers. Our mission is to enable a better life through education. \n \nTaskRabbit – The convenient & affordable way to get things done around the home \n \n26\,000 clients. 1500+ employees. 55 global offices. We are Meltwater. \n \nAt digital insight\, we go beyond negative news and sanction searches to bring you a rounded and unbiased view of people. \n \nTassomai is an intelligent learning program that helps students achieve outstanding results. \n \nPeyk Offers the most reliable\, safe and cost efficient instant courier service at the quickest time guaranteed. \n \nTEC Partners – Covering the IT\, Engineering\, & Digital markets across the UK\, our clients range from sought-after start-ups to established blue chip players. \n \nComeOn! – We offer a wide range of cutting-edge instant Casino games. \nPartners\n  \n \nAt Makers\, we are creating a new generation of tech talent who are skilled and ready for the changing world of work. \n \nL Marks – Building bridges between corporates and startups. \n \neggcelerate – the B2B growth experts. \n \nCambridge Spark– Data Science training for professionals \n \nRED ACADEMY – We’re a technology & design school and community with an agency-style environment that focuses on real client projects in UX/UI design\, web development\, app development & digital marketing. \nVenue  \n \n“WeWork is the platform for creators. We provide the space\, community and services you need to create your life’s work. To learn more send an email to or call 0203 695 4926 \nExhibitors packages URL: LOCATION:WeWork Moorgate\, 1 Fore St\, London\, EC2Y 9DT\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Conference,Festival or Fair,Job Fair ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR